Gold Loan Management System Vinsup GMS

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Nov 17, 2023

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Product Details

"Unlock the potential of gold loan management with Vinsup GMS, a powerful and feature-rich Gold Management System. Tailored for financial institutions, Vinsup GMS offers a comprehensive solution for tracking and managing gold loans, pawn transactions, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Key Features:

1.Interactive Interface: Vinsup GMS boasts a user-friendly interface, designed for ease of use and efficient navigation.

2.Gold Loan Management: Seamlessly track and manage gold loans with features for appraisal, interest rate setting, and flexible repayment plans.

3. Pawn Transaction Tracking: Effortlessly record and manage pawn transactions within the banking environment.

4.Regulatory Compliance: Ensure all transactions align with legal rules and regulations, prioritizing compliance and peace of mind.

5.Secure Database: Utilizing the robust MySQL database, Vinsup GMS prioritizes the security of sensitive information.

6. Scalable Architecture: Built on AWS, the platform ensures scalability, adapting to your evolving banking needs.

7.User-Friendly Interface: Designed with ReactJS, the interface provides an interactive and intuitive experience for bank personnel.

8.Backend Efficiency: Powered by NodeJS and Express JS, Vinsup GMS offers a powerful backend for swift and seamless operations.

9.Customizable Reporting: Generate customized reports and gain valuable insights for informed decision-making.

10.Cloud Integration: Hosted on AWS, the system ensures accessibility, reliability, and security in the cloud environment.

11.Multi-Branch Support: Enable coordination between different bank branches, making it suitable for banks with multiple locations.

Demo URL:

Demo Credentials:

Super Admin Login:
- Phone Number: 123456789
- Password: 12345678

Admin Login:
- Phone Number: 1234567890
- Password: 12345678

Explore the demo to witness the efficiency, security, and adaptability that Vinsup GMS brings to the realm of gold loan management. Transform your banking operations with Vinsup GMS today!"

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